Monday, July 16, 2012

Beauty Buffet - CoQ10 and Yogurt Facial Mask

Heya! I bought my second Beauty Buffet facial mask because it was buy 1 take 1 that day! I actually bought 2 pairs. Three yellow and one gray. I'm giving the gray one to my brother 'cause he likes charcoal and oil control stuff. 

So here's the claim of the yellow one:

Indulge in a sumptuous feast for your skin! Beauty Buffet Mask's unique recipe is made up of CoQ10 to help firm skin and reduce fine lines as well as yogurt to help dissolve dead skin and minimize pores, and glycine to help retain moisture. it rejuvenates skin so that it appears more elastic and smooth with a radiant glow. Natural botanical extracts - Algae, Aloe Vera and Cucumber also help to moisturize and nourish skin

The line "minimize pores" caught my attention. I just feel like my pores are big when I look at the mirror o_o, I've been itching to buy myself a toner but I can't pick which one would be good. So it was really a treat when I found this. After using it my pores really shrunk! Unlike when I just use ice on my face, it does thing better. I like the Aloe Vera and Cucumber extract included -- those are skin friendly essences. Not sure with CoQ10, but I guess it'll do good for my parents -- that's why I gave them this one too. 

I like this mask because it is cheap (P39, P59 buy 1 take 1) and it has cute packaging. I wish they have the essences in little bottles where we can just spray it on our face and leave-on, so that it'll be used frequently rather than once. Haha! Could be moisturizer alternative too.

I haven't tried other mask brands, but I'm looking forward for it! For now, I want to try that gray one next time :D

'Till my next skin something!


  1. LOL, we've both recently posted about pores. XD for toner, before i've tried clean and clear. during that time my pores were smaller.

  2. lyza. try mo mag pa facial. mura lang naman mga 150. or other facial stuff
