Monday, July 2, 2012

Goodmorning, Real World!

I think I'm like in a game, and I'm done practicing tutorials. I'm done reading the rules. And it's like the gate to the real world was open for me to actually, Level Up. I am already in Level 1, and that level was not easy to get. Took me a whole lot of years -- and I'm still not good enough. I need to train more.

Now I got to find NPC's, ask what to do and get training to get SKILLS. 

After getting that skills, maybe I'll get a Job Change but the options are unclear. I'm not quite sure what are the options.

I'm figuring out what problem I have on my hands as of today. I'm wondering where will I start. 

Now I'm going to compare it with Nursing. 
I'm probably on the Planning phase of what will I implement. Lol.
But the future is a BIG thing to assess, so what I need are SOAPIE's with goals that are SMART. 

This train of thoughts just got to me.
No one's really working in our family. Parents are retired, my brother -- brother still in TUTORIALS hahahah. Joke. But still, hahaha! But I know he has some skills, but he just have to FINISH the tutorial because it is a pre-requisite. XD HAHA.

But for now, probably a week or two of doing what I want. LOL.
Still as ever, procrastination XP

Good morning, real world!

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