Saturday, May 12, 2012


The funny thing about S4, an online MMORPG third person shooter game, are the bashing. It's like there is a transition of one's attitude. If you're a newbie, and it's your first time to participate a match, all you'll hear are noob?
kick plz
delete the game, now!
you suck 

At this point you will really feel you suck. Like a total idiot. Like all the things they said basically fits you. So normally you'll respond with --- well you don't respond. You just ignore, but your heart has been crushed already. You're also nice with other newbies. You like pat each other's back while those 'pro' people gang on verbal abuse. 

But then after a while you'll get used to it. Like 'yea call me bitch you dumbass noob' You'll finally talk! Like talk back! You'll start arguing how those 'pro' people think highly of themselves. You'll shout out 'sorry for being noob' or 'i'm trying' 'at least i'm trying' and your heart is crushed but more of frustrated at this point. Then you rage quit o_o

And then when you finally, finally get a grasp of everything. Whenever talk shit people will bash at you, laugh like that -- you'll answer them with a kill, with a point, with a TOUCHDOWN. I find it pretty amusing riding with the noisy ones. Well once I ran along this guy named testif, he was really so high of himself, he'd call everybody noob. Then I called him "... testif pro! wooo" "alright team gang up on testif" "oh no we can't kill him, he's pro :(" "...all hail testif" "...testif IDOL" 

I was really laughing out loud. 
I started liking people like him because they are the ones to argue with. Not those poor genuine newbies. lol
They really don't give a damn if they get bad reputations. It's online and it's a game! Be bad at times lol. It's fun haha. 

S4's really a nice game. It gets better when you get to argue back XD In a good way of course. Because a game will undeniably be boring -- and you'll start appreciating the chat thing. Lol. Maybe I'll try to bash sometimes? Just see how people will react. Hehehehe >:)

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