Sunday, February 26, 2012

This is just how I think

I just can't believe this day. It's not that it is a bad day, but some things are happening and it is making me relate it to my life. Yes -- if that's something deep, I don't care cause that's what I think XD

I was looking for a gift for Simon. I don't really know what he likes. I'm clueless. And he's a boy -- I don't know what boys want. I know they wear boxers but that's not what Kuya Tan and I planned. It was a shirt. I was ready to just forget about it :)) really because it was getting confusing what to give him. But I randomly gave it another try. The moment I saw that shirt I knew it was for him :)) HAHA. Simple but it is him, he uses "XD" too often :))

Okay anyway the point is, I tried the whole week but in every place I usually just browse, decide that I don't like it and go. That kind of attitude somehow summarizes who I am. I look for something but I can't find what I am looking for. Good thing that this time I didn't give up :]

With all the challenges up ahead I'm getting nervous -- and giving up may be SO easy.

And the next thing.
I thought the mass for our choir would be 5:45 but it was 4:45. I don't know why but it pissed me really bad. I just woke up by 5:20-ish. It was my plan that I'll go -- but I was having second thoughts because I AM LATE. I do not like that feeling. YEA I get late for school but I don't know, I just don't like the feeling today hahahaha.

It also rained. I was ready to sulk and decide not to go. But I don't know I went back home and grabbed my umbrella and went on the way. The moment I got to LGV it wasn't raining at all.

Was it only me who experienced the rain?
It bothers me why it rained the moment I went out of the house.

My conclusion is that -- there are really a LOT of things that will pull you away from your goal. A lot of challenges and all, but you do not have to quit. You can take a few steps back, get what you need or know the things you need to know and then that's the time you get your ass on the way.

Seeing my choirmates, being able to sing, and seeing Simon surprised, those were my simple rewards.


I also played S4 and realized that it is hard Sniping -- but the moment you get your points for shooting the enemies --- it's the wow feeling I'm telling you

I'm so sorry if I am kind of over thinking or over analyzing or over relating things to ALL THE CHALLENGES that's going in front of me.

The thing is, I won't give up I swear to God I will graduate and I will get my license.

All of these events followed by today's quote from facebook's Message from God:

That when you come to a wall, you can either climb it, or you can simply walk around until you find a door
I may not be the BEST person or the SMARTEST one. I'm NOT even that close -- but I've come this far. I am worth it. I am proud of myself and whatever those freakish things you'll ask me to do, school, your not going to bring me down to my knees.

I shall remember this.

The fuck.
There's just this freakish guy, kind of throwing his helmet I thought it was our car that broke or something. Ha. A drunk guy shouting at his wife and kid. That kid --- he's not going to forget this.

I stared at the rampaging guy. I will go out -- I don't know why :))))
Well I imagine trauma to happen. Like they get stab wounds or they hit their head.
None like that happen tonight.

My legs were trembling but my mind was sharp

Kind of reviewing first aid

Kidding. I was just concerned with the lady and the kid. And I want to scream shut up at the guy. Ha. I have that kind of random attitude.

I went around the car to check it out. LIKE A BOSS cause I went pass by that guy who was rampaging. As in he was here, and I pass by *le derp* I think it was kind of dumb, cause what if he threw that helmet to me.

I'd probably... kick him. HA! Too violent. I dunno.

That feeling. It was nice XD
It does not come too often.

Lengthy post.
Been a long while.

But it was lengthy cause it was two stories merged into one.

Because it's just one day!

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