Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day One

I woke up badly today, because of lack of sleep. I lied on my bed at 9:00pm but all I did was roll. My mind was reviewing random things o_o I only slept lightly, just like taking a nap on a arm chair at school. I awaken  easily by noises and I even knew my brother got home already, around 3:00am.

I thought I was going to have a bad start. Good thing I viewed twitter and facebook, and words of encouragement are flowing so I brushed away all negativity, I didn't mind not having a good sleep -- I told myself, it is just a challenge given to me by the Lord along with the exams, so I accepted it. I played One Piece opening song, "Fight Together" while bathing (i.e. because it is recorded on my phone so I went to the bathroom with my phone), and loaded Lucas Gabreel's version of "Go the Distance". I listened to it while dressing up. 

I am weary, but I always prayed. I put in mind that I'm not alone. Whenever I see a clue word I did not see before, I thank God. I can say that I have submitted my faith to Him. 

I am with my batch and with Him, with people praying and rooting for us. 

I am uncertain of my answers but I am hoping for the best. 

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