Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bad habit

I was never aware, that what I was doing is similar to nail biting. Well I know the fact that I do such compulsion, but I never put meaning on it. 

But out of curiosity while I'm in the middle of reviewing my test papers, I looked up for my habit of, scratching my head (because I was pulling my hair/scratching my scalp, I was focused more on that rather than studying) I have that habit since HS. Now here's a quote from the immediate website that I found:

Those subjects who target the scalp often find tiny imperfections, sometimes real but sometimes imagined, that they will pick, scratch, and pull until their head picking develops into a sore spot on the head. Of course, the sore spot becomes the perfect target for another round of picking and scratching. The cycle is self-perpetuating, making the prospect of ending the compulsion especially tricky. (source)

I don't agree with the imperfections part, not that it's something I am aware of for myself. Perhaps my unconscious? Lol. But the part that says something about a sore spot, that's probably right for me. I got a feeling of insisting that there is something on my hair that just won't come off. Lol. Probably a symbolism of stress or whatnots those psychologists may say. Good thing I don't develop bald spots. I got out of the habit of nail biting long ago but it seems like my hands looked for something to replace the loss of oral gratification.

Well, at least I'm not worse. 
And I am aware of it. 
I can control it and I'll probably get rid of it as the days go by.

Till then!

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