Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This series

I posted something earlier, about watching Love Rain. Well the start seemed to be promising, but the 2 main characters started to annoy me like hell. They could not be honest with their feelings! And for the guy, he has been friends with his 'band mates' or something for a LONGER period and then -- he can't even tell them how he feels? What he does not trust them? OMG. He started to be annoying when he only thought about himself because he liked the girl. And the girl, oh ged -- dumb bitch. She looks innocent and all but she's not someone like that. She thinks she's good and stuff, but she's already hurting people. 

If not telling somebody something will make him happy, well that's wrong. One way or another this small world will always be turned upside down and when it happens, ha, sorry kiddo's everyone's unhappy now.

Gaaahhh. Annoying series XD

Oooh hahah this series it's so WEIRD XD From episode 5 it starts to be something that I like :)) It's not about the dumb girl anymore -- it's already about a hilarious girl, the typical Korean comedy drama i guess. The dumb girl was his first love. So he kind of had a personality change. Instead of being innocent, demure, decent kind of guy he's now the rebellious and some kind of wild type. And then he met that random funny girl.  I don't know where it will lead but here's the thing, 1-4 really sucks, and 5 on-wards looks interesting. I get to digest 1-4 because I got nothing else to watch. If there was, I would not be able to see 5 because I'll be vomiting before I reached it XD

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